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Learn More About the Content Management System

Prerequisites: This page assumes that you have already set up your Moxie.Build server and logged in as an admin user. This page covers some of the basics that are involved in using the Content Management aspects of the Moxie.Build system.




PaaS Method

A PaaS Method may be called by any other Moxie system. In order to call a PaaS Method from MOX, the PaaS statement is used.


Get Started with Setting up the Development Environment

Developing in Moxie.Build on localhost give you the advantage of working with the template files natively. When working on procedures (MOX code) you need to access that through the Procedures page in the Admin area of a Moxie.Build system, if running the server on localhost or on a remote server. When running on a remote server, you can edit the template files via the Files page in the Admin area.


Remote Method

A Remote Method may be called by any other Moxie system. It can be used to divide up a large system among a number of backend servers, or as a public API for 3rd parties. In order to call a Remote Method from MOX, the Remote statement is used.


Export and Import of Database Schema

ExportSchema and ImportSchema are BuiltIn procedures that are available for use with source control systems.


Command Line with .mox file

A .mox file, with MOX code in it, can be run from the command line while a Moxie.Build system is not otherwise already running.



Takes any unspecified data, intended for use by external systems


Learn More About Managing Files

Prerequisites: This tutorial assumes that you have already set up your Moxie.Build server and logged in. This page covers some of the basics that are involved in managing files and folders in the Moxie.Build system.


Download Moxie.Build

Download Free Download of Moxie.Build Delivered as a simple .zip file, so that you can set it up however you like. This approach allows you to custom install many services on one server ,
or just run it as an app without an install. Licensing information and agreement . Upgrade Notes

In order to Upgrade an existing copy of Moxie.Build V4 or V5 to the most recent version of V5, you can use the Upgrade example files found in the Tools folder to help automate upgrading multi-service systems, or you can just replace the following files/folders: Moxie.exe Moxie.dll Default.dll /DBStore/BuiltIn.* /Lib /Public/BuiltIn /Templates/Admin /Templates/Clean /Templates/Default /Templates/Default5 /Templates/Report


Simple To Do App with MEAN Stack Comparison

In this example, we use a plain old Moxie.Build system and compare it to the MEAN Stack equivalent by building two functionally equivalent versions of a fleshed out To Do List Application. Both versions utilize local user authentication, a relational database system and the security measures found in typical production-level applications on the web today.



Takes one parameter, EscapedHTMLString, and returns the Unescaped Version of this string



Takes one parameter, Source



Takes three parameters, TableName, Alias, Password



Takes one parameter, EscapedHTMLString, and returns the Unescaped Version of this string



Takes one parameter, FilePath


Cloudflare Integration

Cloudflare is a first and foremost a Web Application Firewall and Content Distribution Network, among other additional services.


Cloudflared Tunnel

Cloudflared Tunnel exposes applications running on your local web server on any network with an internet connection with an outbound tunnel that connects directly to Cloudflare's edge network without the need to configure inbound firewall rules.



Takes three parameters, Url, InputQuery, OutputQuery



Takes one parameter, Value



Takes two parameter, URL, InputQuery



Takes two parameters, User and Password



Has no params



Has one parameter, Options


Moxie.cfg Config

The Moxie.cfg file is read on server start and controls aspects that cannot be changed while the server is running.


Nightly Management Utility

This utility program manages a server install with one or many Moxie.Build services running by taking care of nightly tasks via a scheduled task.



Takes one parameter



Takes ten parameters, TableName, OldProcName, NewProcName, Type, Params, GroupTypes, Label, Note, DevNote, Source



Takes two parameters, Data, Options



Takes two parameters, Name, Value



Takes nine parameters, TableName, ProcName, Type, Params, GroupTypes, Label, Note, DevNote, Source



Takes three parameters, TableName, Alias, Password



Takes three parameters, FieldBase, Fields, IfLenFld



Takes four parameters, FieldBase, Destination, Source, IfLenFld



Takes no parameters



Takes 6 parameters, Location, Mode, Class, bNoHeader, bNoAutoAlign, bNoIDTags



Takes 10 parameters, FieldBase, From, To, Subject, Body, bMerge, AttachName, AttachPath, Slow, IfLenFld



Takes 6 parameters, Location, Mode, ActionLabel, ActionPath, Class, ActionMethod


HtmlBlock / End HtmlBlock

Takes two parameters, Location, Mode



Takes 6 parameters, Name, Value, Path, Domain, Expires, Other



Takes two parameters, Source, Value



Takes one parameter, HtmlEscapedString, and returns the Unescaped Version of this string



Takes one parameter, EscapedTemplate, and returns the Unescaped Version of this string



Has no parameters.



Takes three parameters, Login, Password, bRememberMe



Takes one parameter, SessionID



Takes one parameter, Name



Takes one parameter, the contents of which are used for the HTTP Reply Body



Takes one parameter, TemplateData



Takes three parameters, Url, SaaSTenant, InputQuery, OutputQuery



Terms of Service

This is our current Terms of Service, last updated 2016-01-12.


Folder and File Structure

Brief overview on the file structure and contents under Moxie. The files and folders discussed in this post are those that are essential when upgrading to the most recent version of Moxie.Build , or when troubleshooting server errors.


Public Method

A Public Method may be called from any other Procedure, by the Default plug-in, or a Custom COM DLL. Each Public Method may either use specific Input Parameters, or it may accept an Input Query.


Message Handler

A Message Handler is only ever called by the Database on a Database Event. These Event Messages allow a Developer to intercept operations taking place on a per-record level and implement Event based business logic.


Templates Documentation

Prerequisites: This tutorial assumes that you have already learned about Managing Files .



Get Started with Service Setup on a Server

A single Windows OS can host many instances of Moxie.Build, these steps will guide you through the setup process.



MOX Coding and Programing Language Syntax Documentation

The MOX coding and programming language pays heritage to BASIC, but has been crafted for the specific type of work and environment that is demanded of Moxie.Build.


Privacy Policy

This is our current Privacy Policy, last updated 2016-01-12.



Has no parameters



Has one parameter.



Takes one parameter, QueryName


OnError (Continue)

Used as a scoping keyword, similar to WorkWith/End WorkWith .



Takes no parameters



Takes a variable number of parameters, QueryName, MethodName, [Param1, [Param2, etc...]]



Has no parameters


Wisebox Solutions Inc.

We empower your customers to take action.



Takes one parameter, the Name of the critical section



Takes one parameter, the text of the exception to throw.


[Ensure] Field Exists

Takes a variable number of parameters, a comma separated list of TopQuery variable names