
Takes three parameters, Url, SaaSTenant, InputQuery, OutputQuery


URL, InputQuery, OutputQuery
URL, SaaSTenant, InputQuery, [WorkQuery]
URL, SaaSTenant, [WorkQuery], [WorkQuery]
URL, [""], [WorkQuery], [WorkQuery]


This statement calls a PaaS Method on another Moxie system.

The PaaS Method is similar to the Remote Method, but includes more security checks and validation based on the SaaS solution's identifying alias and an encrypted API key. The SaaS.General.Alias will also be populated on the PaaS System as a Req.PaaS.SaaS header automatically.

The URL may include a specific port, optional URL parameters, and if an http mode is not specified, POST is used.

Unlike the Remote command, the URL does not need to specify a valid http or https URL to the server if the system making the call has the Setup table value Cnw.PaaS.Host populated with the correct IP or address of the PaaS system. In this case, you can just have the name of the PaaS Method you want to call in the path without the leading slash, and the Cnw.PaaS.Host Setup table value will be automatically added in by the call.

URL Examples:

The SaaSTenant is a parameter you can specify, intended to be populated by the Tenant.Short.Alias you collect programatically. It will be retrieved PaaS-side as a header value Req.SaaS.Tenant.

The Input Query specified must be a valid Query in the current running MOX environment, and will be sent to the PaaS Server specified in the URL. The Query provided will be named Input when it arrives at the PaaS server.

The Output Query specified must be a valid Query in the current running MOX environment, and will be overwritten by the data received back from the PaaS Server. The Query provided will be named Output when at the PaaS server.