Takes 6 parameters, Location, Mode, ActionLabel, ActionPath, Class, Extra.
Location, Mode, ActionLabel, ActionPath, Class, Extra
Location, Mode, ActionLabel, ActionPath, Class, [""]
Location, Mode, ActionLabel, ActionPath, ["btn btn-default"], [""]
Location, ["Append"], ActionLabel, ActionPath, ["btn btn-default"], [""]
["Runtime"], ["Append"], ActionLabel, ActionPath, ["btn btn-default"], [""]
Place an HTML < a > tag on the page with ActionPath targeting href.
Class may use a prefix of & in order to prepend the Bootstrap button classes, such that "&success" will result in the classes of "btn btn-success".
HtmlAButton "Runtime", "Append", "< ? i plus ? > Add", ("/add-item?alias=" & itemAlias), "&success", "target=_blank"
HtmlAButton "< ? i plus ? > Add", "/home"