
Takes seven parameters, FieldBase, Destination, Source, bAny, Delimiter, Item, IfLenFld


FieldBase, Destination, Source, bAny, Delimiter, Item, IfLenFld
[WorkWith], Destination, Source, bAny, Delimiter, Item, IfLenFld
[WorkWith], Destination, Source, bAny, Delimiter, Item, [""]
FieldBase, Destination, Source, bAny, Delimiter, Item, [WorkIf]
[WorkWith], Destination, Source, bAny, Delimiter, Item, [WorkIf]


Parses the text from Source using the Delimiter and places the requested item number into Destination. If there is any length to the bAny parameter, then it will parse upon finding a match to any single character listed in the Delimiter parameter. Item should be a number based on 1, where 1 will return the first parsed item in Source. If Item less than 1, or greater than the number of items available, an empty string is returned and no error is generated.


[New] Buttons = "Click Here, ?Route=SomeRoute"

NewFields "Parse Btn.Label Btn.Path Btn.Class"
Set "Parse", `Buttons
Parse "Btn.Label", "Parse", "", ", ", 1
Parse "Btn.Path", "Parse", "", ", ", 2
Parse "Btn.Class", "Parse", "", ", ", 3
