Takes three parameters, FieldBase, Fields, IfLenFld
FieldBase, Fields, IfLenFld
[WorkWith], Fields, IfLenFld
[WorkWith], Fields, [WorkIf]
FieldBase, Fields, [WorkIf]
[WorkWith], Fields, [WorkIf]
The space separated list of Fields will each have the Plus8 method of encoding applied to them. This encoding method finds all characters in the data with an ASCII value of less than 8 and for each will place an escape character of ASCII 7 followed by the original ASCII value plus 8. The encoding method allows data with lower ASCII characters to be stored in the Database. The Plus8Decode command performs the reverse operation to recover the data into its original form.
A few comments and notes:
- Regular text, including carriage returns, line feeds, and tab characters all of an ASCII value of above 8 and are thus able to be stored in the Database as is. Only small chunks of binary data that need to be stored in the Database would normally require this.
- Although the Database cannot store data that contains ASCII values of 0 or 1, the entire runtime system is able to handle such binary data.
- ASCII values of 2 through 6 are intended for application specific in-field custom delimiters.
- Systems which require storing binary data of any significant size should make use of files outside of the Database, although meta data about such files, like search tags for example, should be stored in the database with a reference to the file.