Help with Markdown

Markdown enables simple formatting of plain text via easy to remember conventions. This page will provide you with some pointers on what formatting options are available with "Moxie Flavored Markdown".


Lines and Paragraphs

When you press enter on your keyboard twice in a row, thereby leaving a blank line, a new Paragraph will be created. If you only press enter on your keyboard once, it will just be a Line Break, not a new Paragraph.

This is my first Paragraph

This is my second paragraph,
and this is a new line in my second paragraph.



Start a line with a # followed by a space to create a Level One Heading. Start a line with ## to create a Level Two Heading. You can use up to 6 # to create up to six levels of headings.

Keep in mind where your text is going to be displayed; there may have been a Level One Heading to bring you to the current page, and there may be a Level Two Heading above your text perhaps, so starting with something other than Level One may be more correct in many cases.

# Heading One

Some Text

## Heading Two


Simple Text Formatting

To make a word or set of words italic, wrap them in *s

To make a word or set of words bold, wrap them in **s

To make a word or set of words underlined, wrap them in _

To make a word or set of words strikethrough, wrap them in ~

To make a word or set of words in red ink, wrap them in ^

For each of the above, the symbol characters should be tight against the first word and the last word without any spaces between them. If closing a format at the end of a sentence, any punctuation should be against the word, before the closing format. If starting or ending multiple formatting characters at once, they must be in the order as demonstrated below around the words 'all formats'

The *quick brown* fox **jumped** over the _lazy_ dog, ~maybe twice.~ Here are ^_~***all formats****~_^ used at once.



Insert a Glyphicon anywhere in your text by surrounding the name of the Glyphicon with :

I :heart: You


Unordered Lists (Bullet Points)

Start a line with a * or a - with a space before the next character to create a single bullet point. If you leave an empty line between each item they will similarly be spaced out.

* One
* Two
* Three


Ordered Lists (Numbered Lists)

Start a line with a number followed by a . or ) with a space before the next character to create an ordered list. The numbers will be set automatically, so you can create the list with each line starting with 0. if you like. Unlike Unordered Lists above, these cannot be vertically spaced, since doing so will start a new list.

0. Abc
0. Def
0. Ghi


Block Quotes

In order to indicate that a block of text within your text is quotes from elsewhere, start each line with a > followed by a space before the next character. Block Quotes are able to include other line types within them such as Headers, Unordered Lists, etc.

> The quick brown fox jumped over the
> lazy dog. That is all folks.


Horizontal Rule

In order to create a horizontal rule (line) place three or more - * or _ on a line by itself




All links are sanitized to only allow clean and safe characters.

Email Addresses

Just type an email address almost anywhere in your text and it will be converted to a proper email link.

Links or Email Addresses with Titles

Place the Title for the link in [ ] and immediately following that, without a space, place the link URL in ( )

If the URL starts with http:// or https:// will open in a new window or tab. If the URL starts with a / it is a link for the same website and therefore it will open in the existing window or tab.

Please [Contact Us](/Contact) for more information
Please [Email Us](mailto:[email protected]) for more information.

Links Without Titles

Full URLs that start with http:// or https:// will automatically be displayed as a link "as is".


Source Code

If you need to display some code on the page that should be shown in a fixed width font simply start each line with a tab character or four spaces.

Note that HTML related code is not likely to show correctly here due to security filters.

You are probably going to copy and paste such code into the text box, so that is how you could end up with a tab character, since you typically can't type the tab character in text box in your web browser. If you need to type some code directly into a web browser's text box, then opt for using four spaces.

    LoadTable "MemTab.Person"
Children "MemTab.Contact"
Sort "MemTab.Person.", "LastName FirstName"