Takes any unspecified data, intended for use by external systems
This command is not intended to be used MOX code, but instead is a way to indicate information that some external system will interpret, such as tags a package manager or code repository may use.
The [Meta] Top Query Attribute will fetch the content of all Meta lines in a Procedure plus those of any Includes, should this Meta data's purpose have meaning both externally and internally.
The format and structure of the Meta information is not specified and is expected to be defined externally. Such external definitions must consider how to scope their meta data, so that it will not conflict with other Meta information from other systems.
Because this Meta data is intended to be used externally, there is no relationship between this and the ### Start Metadata ### and ### End Metadata ### blocks used by the Export and Import of Database Schema system.
Meta #CustomPackageInfo##Start#
Meta Name, Value
Meta Author, John Doe
Meta Company, ACME
Meta Date, 2023-04-15
Meta #CustomPackageInfo##End#
[New] MyMeta [Meta]
HtmlAlert (TextToHtml$ MyMeta)
MyMeta = Remain$ MyMeta, ("#CustomPackageInfo##Start#" & $CrLf)
MyMeta = Extract$ MyMeta, ($CrLf & "#CustomPackageInfo##End#")
CsvStream MyMeta