
Takes one parameter, FieldName


FieldName is used as a boolean test where if the field is empty it is False and if it has any contents it is True. All Work Query statements between the WorkIf and End WorkIf that accept an IfLenField parameter will recieve this FieldName and the parameter will be removed from the parameter list. Nested WorkIf / End WorkIf commands are not allowed, however, the field value of use by the WorkIf command may be modified within the block.


IsPost [If] Req.Request = "Post"
WorkIf IsPost
 Set "abc", "123"
 Set "def", "456"
End WorkIf
IsPost [If] Req.Request = "Post"
If IsPost
 Set "abc", "123"
IsPost [If] IsPost = "Get"
 Set "def", "456"
End If