Using the Backtick `

Some Work Query command parameters can accept a source of either a Work Query Field name or a text literal. Text literals in these cases are prefixed with a backtick ` character.

These commands take the source parameter value as a string, and that string could contain any one of the following:

What you pass to this parameter can come from a text literal in double quotes, or it could come from a Top Query field name (with or without a leading ` to be prepended), or it could come from an expression that is solved in the context of the Top Query .

The complete list of possibilities includes:

The backtick is only applicable when a MOX command is:

  1. A Work Query command
  2. The parameter in question is a source parameter that can accept either a Work Query field name or a text literal

Most MOX commands don’t use the backtick, but the Build, Text, and most variations of Set that do use them are commonly used themselves. The complete list of commands that use this syntax are:

Command Parameters Used
Build Each Source
Files Destination, Source
Folders Destination, Source
Images Destination, Source,  Value
KeepIf Left, Right
LookUp Table, Alias, Field
Num Source, Value
Offset Offset, Value
Parse Source, Delimiter, Value
SendEmail From, To, Subject, AttachPath, AttachName, Body
Set Source 
SetEnsure Source
SetFirst Source
SetIf Source, Left, Right
SetIfAll Source
SetIfAny Source
SetLast Source
SetNew Source
Text Source, Value



This is a comprehensive example for demonstration of syntax only. What it does is not something that should be deemed useful or typical as-is

Rem 'Routing
    [Pull]  FieldName
    Backtick.Start FieldName

Method Backtick.Start(pFieldName)
    Rem 'Get our data
        LoadRecord  "MemTab.Person", ($SessionUser)
    Rem 'Demonstrate Backtick usage
        If pFieldName
            Build       "MemTab.Person.",       _ 'Field Base
                        pFieldName,             _ 'Destination. Top Query Field contains a Work Query Field Name
                        "                        `pFieldName,            _ 'Top Query Field used as plain text
                        "'>",                   _ 'Plain text, starting < "A"
                        "`Test with ",          _ 'Plain text escaped with `
                        pFieldName,             _ 'Top Query Field contains a Work Query Field Name
                        " in ",                 _ 'Plain text, starting < "A"
                        `pFieldName,            _ 'Top Query Field used as plain text
                        "",                 _ 'Plain text, starting < "A"
                        pFieldName                'IfLenFld (If Length Bool Test Field) from Top Query
            NewFields   "MemTab.Person.",               _ 'Field Base
                        (pFieldName & ".Build")           'Expression in Top Query for Work Query Field Name
            [New] EgFBase = "MemTab.Person"
            Build       (EgFBase & "."),                _ 'Field Base created via Top Query Expression
                        (pFieldName & ".Build"),        _ 'Expression in Top Query for Work Query Field Name
                        `($SessionName & ": "),         _ 'Expression in Top Query for plain text result
                        "Email",                        _ 'Work Query Field Name
                        pFieldName                        'IfLenFld (If Length Bool Test Field) from Top Query
            Html    "Test with FirstName value in FirstName"
        End If
    Rem 'Put it on the page
End Method