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Public Method

A Public Method may be called from any other Procedure, by the Default plug-in, or a Custom COM DLL. Each Public Method may either use specific Input Parameters, or it may accept an Input Query.



Takes three parameters, Url, SaaSTenant, InputQuery, OutputQuery



Takes three parameters, Url, InputQuery, OutputQuery



Takes two parameter, URL, InputQuery



Takes one parameter



Takes one parameter



Takes two parameters, Source, Match



Takes two parameters, Source, Match



Takes two parameters, Source, Match



Has no parameters


[DateTime] (Top Query)

Has no parameters



Takes one parameter, OutputText



Takes one parameter, FilePath



[Time] (Top Query)

Has no parameters




Takes two parameters, Source, Match



Takes two parameters, ExcelTableData, Options



Takes one parameter, a single character



Takes no parameters.



Takes six parameters, FieldBase, Destination, Table, Alias, SourceField, IfLenFld



Takes six parameters, FieldBase, GroupByField, Destination, Action, Source, IfLenFld



Takes 5 parameters, Location, Mode, Class/ID, Init, bNoAutoAlign



Takes two parameters, Data, Options



A command to help build spreadsheets



Has two parameters: Source, Options



Takes one parameter, EscapedHTMLString, and returns the Unescaped Version of this string



Takes one parameter, a Source value



Has two parameters: Source, Options



Takes 6 parameters, Location, Mode, ActionPath, Name, Class, Prompt



Takes seven parameters, Location, Mode, Prompt, Path, Class, Name, HelpText



Takes two parameters, Source, Value



Takes one parameter, Source



Accepts a numeric value as a parameter.



Accepts a numeric value as a parameter.



Accepts a numeric value as a parameter.


Table Action

Table Actions are presented to the users of the Default Admin interface and are also intended to be made available in a dynamic way to users of a customized front end. As an Action, the Procedure is expected to perform some sort of task, such as an automated set of updates to the Database Table.


[Time] (DB Field Attribute)

Has no parameters.



Takes one parameter



Learn More about Frontend Development

Prerequisites: This tutorial assumes that you have already set up a Category and Procedure if necessary. This page covers some of the basics that are involved in Front End development using the MOX language.




Takes no parameters


[Custom] HTML (DB Field Attribute)

Allows any extra HTML Attributes to be specified in the Control's HTML Tag


MOX Coding and Programing Language Syntax Documentation

The MOX coding and programming language pays heritage to BASIC, but has been crafted for the specific type of work and environment that is demanded of Moxie.Build.


Message Handler

A Message Handler is only ever called by the Database on a Database Event. These Event Messages allow a Developer to intercept operations taking place on a per-record level and implement Event based business logic.



Takes one parameter, QueryName



Takes one parameter, QueryName



Takes a variable number of parameters, QueryName, MethodName, [Param1, [Param2, etc...]]



Takes a variable number of parameters



Takes two parameters, FileName, FileData


[Pull] List of Fields from another Query

Takes three parameters, QueryName, FieldBase, FieldNames


Record Report

Record Reports are presented to the users of the Default Admin interface and are also intended to be made available in a dynamic way to users of a customized front end. As a Report, the Procedure is expected to produce output to be displayed to the user.


Record Action

Record Actions are presented to the users of the Default Admin interface and are also intended to be made available in a dynamic way to users of a customized front end. As an Action, the Procedure is expected to perform some sort of task, such as an automated set of updates to the Database Record.


PaaS Method

A PaaS Method may be called by any other Moxie system. In order to call a PaaS Method from MOX, the PaaS statement is used.



Takes a variable number of parameters


Table Report

Table Reports are presented to the users of the Default Admin interface and are also intended to be made available in a dynamic way to users of a customized front end. As a Report, the Procedure is expected to produce output to be displayed to the user.


Remote Method

A Remote Method may be called by any other Moxie system. It can be used to divide up a large system among a number of backend servers, or as a public API for 3rd parties. In order to call a Remote Method from MOX, the Remote statement is used.