The Setup Table controls aspects that can be changed while the server is running, and is intended to contain both Moxie.Build specific values as well as application specific.
Takes 10 parameters, Location, Mode, Title, TitleLink, Class, Fixed, bUseContainer, bNotResponsive, bInverted, HtmlPre, HtmlApn
Takes one parameter, a string containing a date and time
Takes one parameter, a string containing a date and time
Private Method contained within a given procedure.
Takes one parameter, a string containing a date time
Takes two parameters, Source, Match
Takes two parameters, TableName, IfLenFld
Takes two parameters, Source, Match
Takes no parameters
Takes three parameters, TableName, SearchTerms, SearchInFields
Has no parameters
Takes one parameter, TableName
Takes one parameter, TableName
Takes one parameter, TableName
Takes two parameters, Location, Mode
Takes three parameters, Location, Mode, TemplateName
Takes two parameters, FieldBase, FieldNamesList
Takes two parameters, Location, Mode
A command to help build spreadsheets
Takes four parameters, FieldBase, FieldName, Source, IfLenFld
Takes 5 parameters, Location, Mode, Title, Element, Class
Takes 6 parameters, Location, Mode, Class, bNoHeader, bNoAutoAlign, bNoIDTags
Takes 7 parameters, Location, Mode, Title, TitleLink, Class, HtmlPre, HtmlApn
Takes 6 parameters, Location, Mode, Div, Data, Script, Extra
Takes two parameters, FieldName, Value
Has six parameters, UniqueParent, DestField, FieldBase, UniqueChild, EmbedFields, Options
Takes one parameter, a single character
Takes two parameters, ExcelTableData, Options
Takes one parameter, FieldBaseToTrim
Takes 10 parameters, FieldBase, From, To, Subject, Body, bMerge, AttachName, AttachPath, Slow, IfLenFld
Takes three parameters, FieldBase, Fields, IfLenFld
Takes three parameters, FieldBase, OldFieldName, NewFieldName
Takes two parameters, SubjectPrefix, EmailBody
A Public Method may be called from any other Procedure, by the Default plug-in, or a Custom COM DLL. Each Public Method may either use specific Input Parameters, or it may accept an Input Query.
Brief overview on the file structure and contents under Moxie. The files and folders discussed in this post are those that are essential when upgrading to the most recent version of Moxie.Build , or when troubleshooting server errors.
Takes a variable number of conditional statements to compare against a single source
Takes one parameter, Control
Takes a variable number of conditional statements
Prerequisites: This page assumes that you have already set up your Moxie.Build server and logged in as an admin user. This page covers some of the basics that are involved in using the Content Management aspects of the Moxie.Build system.
ExportSchema and ImportSchema are BuiltIn procedures that are available for use with source control systems.
Parameter is divided into two parts, the Test and the Result if True. The test comes prior to the keyword of Then and the Result if True comes after.
The MOX coding and programming language pays heritage to BASIC, but has been crafted for the specific type of work and environment that is demanded of Moxie.Build.
Takes one parameter, a Source value
Takes one parameter, a Source value
Takes two parameters, Source, Match
Takes two parameters Command, Options
Takes two parameters, Source, Search
Takes one parameter, a top query destination variable
This utility program manages a server install with one or many Moxie.Build services running by taking care of nightly tasks via a scheduled task.
The Moxie.cfg file is read on server start and controls aspects that cannot be changed while the server is running.
Cloudflared Tunnel exposes applications running on your local web server on any network with an internet connection with an outbound tunnel that connects directly to Cloudflare's edge network without the need to configure inbound firewall rules.
Takes two parameters, Source, Match
Parameter is divided into two parts, the Test and the Result if True. The test comes prior to the keyword of Then and the Result if True comes after.
Some Work Query command parameters can accept a source of either a Work Query Field name or a text literal. Text literals in these cases are prefixed with a backtick ` character.