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Command Line with .mox file

A .mox file, with MOX code in it, can be run from the command line while a Moxie.Build system is not otherwise already running.



[MText] Multiline Text Editor

Accepts one optional numeric value as a parameter



Takes a single string as parameter, which is then appended to each line in the code block.


[Score] 0.0 to 10

Accepts 3 parameters, first is required, 2nd and 3rd are optional. A trailing optional expression after an = sign may also assign a value on the same line.



Takes 9 parameters, ServerName, Port, bSecure, Mode, Path, ContentType, extraHeader, body, rtnHeaders



Takes two parameters, Source and Search



Takes no parameters



Takes one parameter, a gregorian number



Takes two parameters, Location, Mode



Takes one parameter, Status



Takes two parameters, Source and Search


HtmlBlock / End HtmlBlock

Takes two parameters, Location, Mode



Takes one parameter, TestCondition



Takes one parameter, FilePath


Try / Catch / Finally / End Try

A traditional way to check for hard errors and enable those errors to error softly.


Select / Case / End Select

Takes a variable number of conditional statements to compare against a single source



Takes one parameter, ServerLogText


Cloudflared Tunnel

Cloudflared Tunnel exposes applications running on your local web server on any network with an internet connection with an outbound tunnel that connects directly to Cloudflare's edge network without the need to configure inbound firewall rules.


Setup Table

The Setup Table controls aspects that can be changed while the server is running, and is intended to contain both Moxie.Build specific values as well as application specific.


Using the Backtick `

Some Work Query command parameters can accept a source of either a Work Query Field name or a text literal. Text literals in these cases are prefixed with a backtick ` character.


Moxie.cfg Config

The Moxie.cfg file is read on server start and controls aspects that cannot be changed while the server is running.


Nightly Management Utility

This utility program manages a server install with one or many Moxie.Build services running by taking care of nightly tasks via a scheduled task.



Takes three parameters, FieldBase, Fields, IfLenFld



Takes 10 parameters, FieldBase, From, To, Subject, Body, bMerge, AttachName, AttachPath, Slow, IfLenFld



Takes 7 parameters, FieldBase, GroupBy, GroupTotals, GrandTotals, Seperator, TotalPre, TotalPost



Takes a variable number of parameters



Takes six parameters, FieldBase, Destination, Function, Source, Value, IfLenFld



Takes 6 parameters, Location, Mode, Div, Data, Script, Extra



Takes 3 parameters, Location, Mode, bWithNoHeader



Has no parameters.


HtmlBlocks / End HtmlBlocks

Takes two parameters, Location, Mode



Takes nine parameters, FieldBase, Destination, Function, Source1, Source2, Source3, Source4, Options, IfLenFld



Takes nine parameters, TableName, ProcName, Type, Params, GroupTypes, Label, Note, DevNote, Source



Takes seven parameters, TableName, OtherTableName, ParentChild, Ratio, Note, Attr, DevNote



Takes one parameter, Type



Takes two parameters, TableName, IfLenFld



Takes two parameters, Name, Value



Takes two parameters, ExcelTableData, Options



Takes 5 parameters, FieldBase, Destination, Action, Source, IfLenFld



Takes ten parameters, TableName, OldProcName, NewProcName, Type, Params, GroupTypes, Label, Note, DevNote, Source



Takes eight parameters, TableName, OldOtherTableName, NewOtherTableName, ParentChild, Ratio, Note, Attr, DevNote


Rem / EndRem

A type of Prefix which allows the developer to separate blocks of code into organized, defined parts to help provide clarity of the logical block and add structure to the code.


Templates Documentation

Prerequisites: This tutorial assumes that you have already learned about Managing Files .


MOX Coding and Programing Language Syntax Documentation

The MOX coding and programming language pays heritage to BASIC, but has been crafted for the specific type of work and environment that is demanded of Moxie.Build.


Style Guide, Procedures and Code Documentation

In order for source code to be more readily readable across teams, it is recommended that your source code always be styled according to this style guide.


Export and Import of Database Schema

ExportSchema and ImportSchema are BuiltIn procedures that are available for use with source control systems.



Takes one parameter, the Name of the critical section


Public Method WorkQuery Example

In this example, you will see how to use a public method that works on or with the current WorkQuery that you pass into the method.



An Include Procedure cannot be executed directly, the contents of its source code can only be Included into other Procedures using the Include command.


Learn More about Frontend Development

Prerequisites: This tutorial assumes that you have already set up a Category and Procedure if necessary. This page covers some of the basics that are involved in Front End development using the MOX language.



Get Started with Setting up the Development Environment

Developing in Moxie.Build on localhost give you the advantage of working with the template files natively. When working on procedures (MOX code) you need to access that through the Procedures page in the Admin area of a Moxie.Build system, if running the server on localhost or on a remote server. When running on a remote server, you can edit the template files via the Files page in the Admin area.


Learn More About the Content Management System

Prerequisites: This page assumes that you have already set up your Moxie.Build server and logged in as an admin user. This page covers some of the basics that are involved in using the Content Management aspects of the Moxie.Build system.


Help with Markdown

Markdown enables simple formatting of plain text via easy to remember conventions. This page will provide you with some pointers on what formatting options are available with "Moxie Flavored Markdown".



Moxie.Build, in short, may be used and licensed free of charge for education and non-profit organizations. Whenever it is used by government or for-profit organizations the license is granted on a subscription basis.

Moxie.Build includes a number of open source components as part of its distribution; each is subject to their own licenses as included with the files for those components.




Takes two parameters, SubjectPrefix, EmailBody



A set of instructions that can be called with parameters to run in the current scope.



Takes one parameter, ProcedureName


If (Not) / And / Or / ElseIf / End If

Takes a variable number of conditional statements



Takes any unspecified data, intended for use by external systems



Takes two parameters, QueryName, Title



Takes one parameter, QueryName



Takes two parameters, Text, Title



Takes a single parameter, a QueryName



Takes a single parameter, a FieldBase



Has no parameters



Takes 3 parameters, Destination, Action, Source



Takes one parameter, a Label